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7 Tips for Handling Stress

SOURCE:  Adapted from an article by Ron Edmondson

Stress is all around us. Every day I encountered burned out and stressed out pastors.

Regardless of your career, it appears life is more stressful than ever.

Here are 7 ways I handle stress:

Prayer – God really does answer this request. When I’m really stressed out, I get alone with God.

Time management – Most times a well planned schedule will greatly diminish stress. I try to plan my activities at the beginning of the week in a way that allows for unexpected interruptions, yet still also allows me to complete the tasks required of me.

Exercise – This may be my best secret for battling stress. The more stressed I am the more I need to run.

Disciplined life – There are activities and habits that add to stress. If you stay up way too late and never get enough rest, your stress-factor will increase. When I’m especially stressed, I try to build in down time and time just for me.

Balance – I have learned to say “No” to some things and balance my time between all the things that pull for my attention.

Not allowing problems to build long without addressing them – If a relationship is causing stress, the sooner I deal with it the less likely I am to stress about it. If I need to make the hard decisions…make the now…the sooner…the less long-term stress it brings.

Asking for help – When I am really at my limit with stress, I am not too proud to tell someone. I have learned to delegate well.

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